Magistrado presentó libro de Constitucionalismo
Magistrado presentó libro de Constitucionalismo

El Magistrado del Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional, Carlos Alberto Calderón Medrano, presentó el 27 de mayo en el Campus UPSA su libro Consti...

Conferencia sobre realidad digital y desafíos tributarios
Conferencia sobre realidad digital y desafíos tri

Alexandra Ortiz, magíster en Tributación y Derecho Societario, abordó la realidad digital y los desafíos tributarios en una conferencia que se l...

Presentación de la revista Investigación Jurídica Nº13
Presentación de la revista Investigación Jurídi

La Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la UPSA presentó, el 22 de abril, el número 13 de la revista “Investigación Jurídica”, en l...

Estudiantes de Derecho van a competencia en España
Estudiantes de Derecho van a competencia en Españ

Estudiantes de la carrera de Derecho de nuestra Universidad viajaron a Madrid, España, para participar en la fase de audiencias de la XIV Competic...

Los abogados UPSA tienen formación globalizada, participan en proyectos de investigación internacionales y ejercen profesionalmente en el exterior.

With the creation of the degree of Law and Social Sciences in 1991, UPSA increased its present faculty structure, filling an important regional void in trained Law professionals with an emphasis in Business Law and International Relations at the service of the forum and Judicial system of Santa Cruz, Bolivia and the international context.

The School of Law and Social Sciences is sustained in the formation of lawyers with a business advisory profile, trained to perform with efficacy in corporative law topics in areas such as commercial, civil, penal, tax, environmental, stock market, international relations, international law, economics, foreign trade, customs, international conciliation and arbitrage overcoming the limitations there were until then and the demand for globalized Law.

The active participation of the School in the preparation of seminars linked to the regional and national problem areas, constitute the starting point for quick involvement in social reality. The School faculty have had an important participation in the initiation of the process of oral law suits in the national law system, supported by international organizations as well as the implementation of a Public Hearings Courtroom for the practice of oral lawsuits and alternate methods of the solution of conflicts in penal, civil and other areas.

In 1994, with the Support of USAID and the Supreme Court of District of Santa Cruz, a software program for the follow-up of penal cases was created in conjunction with the School of Computerized Engineering Systems, with the purpose of palliating the delays in the Judicial system. Since 2002, management of the School of Law and Social Sciences was characterized by a dynamic insertion into the international context, product of the globalization demands in law. In this same framework of action, the traditional UPSA Law sessions version XXVI, including conferences, panels, forums, debates, competitions and all type of academic Law sessions that have anything to do with training and learning as a lawyer. Also, a series of Diplomate programs, specializations, Master and Doctorate programs were implemented with the participation of Professors from Spain, Italy, United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay and others as well as prestigious professionals from within the country in agreements signed with universities of international prestige. The School has undersigned Doctorate Program with the University of the Basque Country, Spain, within the framework of a cooperation agreement between both universities. Around 80% of the teachers have undergone the program.

Formar abogados líderes, proactivos, con alto grado ético, con capacidad de análisis y critica reflexiva; que sean altamente capacitados, preparados para enfrentar los desafíos del mundo profesional con entereza, responsabilidad y sentido ético y; que tengan capacidad de análisis y eficiencia para enfrentar los desafíos del mercado profesional con idoneidad y sentido social, y comprometidos con la región y el país, capaces de afrontar los desafíos de un contexto jurídico globalizado.
  • Consolidar el liderazgo en la formación integral en las ciencias jurídicas; distinguiéndose por ser generadora de corriente de opinión de la realidad socioeconómica, jurídica y política del país.

  • Mantener la calidad académica en la formación de los profesionales abogados; conservando la vanguardia en la enseñanza en el campo de las ciencias jurídicas.

  • Afianzar la avanzada en la formación académica del derecho, así como en la producción e investigación científica.

To provide a socially useful profession through comprehensive training in Law and Social Sciences, with a complete outlook on the State and Society, to uptake an individual role in the community based on principles and dogmas of social development within the teachings in law but in a culture of peace.